Abstract Painting in Procreate

Feel free with your art by learning some wonderful techniques to play with textures, colors and mark-making!

ipad, procreate, abstract, class

Are you ready to paint beautiful abstract art from the heart? I've spent multiple days creating brushes to help you achieve a traditional abstract painting style in Procreate and let me tell you, it's so much fun that, just like my negative painting class, I had a hard time stopping myself from creating in order to record the class! I can't wait to show you the techniques and the brushes so you can get started!

Free Brushes

I made 42 new brushes for this class, based on all sorts of traditional abstract paint techniques. I also included 5 older brushes that are perfect for this class. Perfect for painting, smudging, mark-making, and even getting a wax-resist look!

Mark-Making Journal

I provide you with a Procreate file that you can use for mark-making practice and keep as a journal of your favorite marks as you think of more.

Brush-Practice Chart

I also made a Procreate document using Page-Assist so you can experiment with each brush before you begin. We will work through this in class as well! It's a crucial piece to this class. This will provide you with a handy reference chart for the brushes once you complete it!